Last Edit 1:45PM     10/11/2024

Solar Systems. 

It can be very affordable to get started for about $500 and a carefully used solar power system for a home of 2000 sq ft starts at $1500? Not intended to run a fridge or air conditioner. 

Building your Own System.

Getting the best results from a solar system and keeping it safe. Working with 12 Volt Power is very dangerous because you can start a fire easily! You can lose your home or vehicle to a fire. A video is coming to explain more. It doesn't shock the human to touch 12 volts but if you attach 2 wires to lead acid batteries and cross the wires they will heat up fast and start a fire. If it happens you must not grab the hot wires but grab something else in the room and disconnect one wire ASAP. 

Warning! Energy Efficiency of the Lights, tools, computers, and appliances you choose is critically important to how good your system works when complete. The Stores that Sell Lights are not representing reality accurately! It is common that most stores sell lights that claim to be energy efficient and they are not! 

This information will become very valuable when complete it will teach us something very important and will provide jobs to the people who understand this technology some of the information will be published in a book. 

To change from 12 volts DC to 120 AC using inverters is normal but they get hot when plugged in even if they are not being used. 

It is a common problem that many manufactures to fail at building lights and other  system the best way possible. 

One light bulb gets super hot if you grab it and thus if it says it is LED then it is also possibly tainted and not energy efficient at all! Man LED lights are tainted in stores a video is coming on this problem. Knowing where to get the energy efficient lights is A Big Gift! The gift will appear here.

It is possible to build a solar powered electrical system for under $500 and then upgrade as you get more money. 

Building a system without a solar panel controller. Is it possible? A Solar Panel Controller regulates the output voltage to the batteries. The small controller I bought was $100 and it handles up to 100 volts into the controller from the panels. The panels are approximately 36 Volts DC output connected in a series to put the voltage into the controller at approximately 75 Volts DC. The controller is a smartsolar system from Victron Energy lP 43 able to be controlled by smart phone to chage volage output. That scared me and its not needed to hook to my phone. I thought it was going to be complicated but it wasn't. 

 The system I want to talk about uses 6 batteries. To get 6 volts DC direct 

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