Self Sustaining Communities with Built in Job Opportunities...
- The List. Construction Workers. 50 needed now. 40 can be students including girls. If 10 persons wants to build a 10 bedroom mansion costing $2,000,000 $2Mil. They need help if only 20 persons builds it might take longer than we want. Girls are very encouraged because we want to produce a TV Show... So the other workers helping might also be the next in line to move into a mansion.
- Construction and Building a Place to Live. If I could build me a place to live that would be nice. I am a carpenter and so I can make money building homes. Actually I am a Jack Of Many Trades. High End Custom Construction is My Specialty. So I can get paid to build my own home. Girls and boys needed to build their own home and then continue with other construction projects after they move in. 50 workers needed. Move into a mansion...
- Feeding The People Feeding the people on the property will be top priority. Freedom Projects must become self sustaining projects. Producing more food than the population needs is a job opportunity we plan to perfect. With Diversified Hydroponics. We should get our vegetables from a Hydroponics Garden instead of the refrigerator or store. The community hydroponics garden is the best idea. Diversified Farm Operations are Planned... Including many types vegetables and fruits Fish Farming, Dairy, Hydroponics, Freeze Drying Food, Canning Food, Growing Pumpkins, Corn and Cantaloupe, Squash Etc. Farm Operations must be conducted in such a way as to preserve the beauty of the overall project.
- Bakery Cooking. Freedom Projects is partly about luxury so imagine living where you eat from a kitchen that is larger than normal with all the nice tools. Convection Oven, Pizza Ovens Etc. Eating is important cooking kitchens will be set up for mass production of food. So the in home bakery can be used as a business opportunity to make pizza for local stores as one example.
- Construction. Making it easy for construction workers to buy housing is important here at
- Construction How To Videos. A TV Show. Advanced Wood Working and Design Techniques... Videos will be produced as construction projects are built. Plans to excel in construction manufacturing and building techniques - Production fast build bedrooms... I am working with a man and his company, he is into creating and selling TV Shows... Old friends are in the business as well. www.HotRodTV.Org! www.CustomCarTV.Org!
- Construction School. Build Your Own Home School...
- Growing Food Fish, Chickens, Dairy, Beef, Eggs, Cream,
- Fishing Lyman Lake. Cat Fish Barbecue Sandwich Parties. Fishing Boats will be part of each project continued.
- Fish Farming A) Tank Type Indoor. B) Outdoor Fish Ponds
- Hydroponics 100 Sq Ft Per Person. 100 Persons Requires 1/4 Acre. I'm Guessing that 100 sq ft per person is enough to grow 3 times what one person needs creating a business to sell food local and to bank food etc.
- Manufacturing Products for Building Homes. Cabinets. Doors. Dormers. Windows. Hardware. Furniture. Millwork and Custom Wood Products. Etc...
- Entertainment
- Tours
- Vacation Rentals Under Construction Last Edit 5:21PM ... 04-18-2023
Life does not need to be difficult! Multi Family Communities can be designed so that life is easy and safe for everyone! We can simply buy a way of life that makes life easy and productive eliminating money problems for the whole community. Easy to find jobs and affordable work space is the foundation for a productive healthy community.
Creative People Create Job Opportunities. So workspace will be provided at the most affordable rate... Given Affordable Workspace I can create 100s of jobs... All Good Things and Changes Come First By Reading and Communicating with the people... Poverty Has a Cure.. Smart Community Development... Leads to The Easy Life...