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This is a construction company! 2 Trailers have been moved on to Land in Northern Arizona.
Unit One is A 28 Ft. Fifth Wheel with 2 pop out rooms it has a working propane fridge and usable kitchen with a 36 inch deep pop out 12 ft wide makes it like a home. I am so great full I have space to live do office work create music. Learning to live off the grid has come easy for me.
Unit Two is a 25 Ft Trailer from 1980 has a tub and shower does not need a heater if the sun is up. Nice Big Windows Front and Back. Thrashed in and out but no major damage
Escape California Trouble. Buy a Trailer and Park it out here is an idea.
Last Year 2024 I noticed the weather hit Zero Degrees in Saint Johns Arizona. Sure enough it gets cold and have made it through One Degree Nights. An Ashley Wood Burning Heater in The Kitchen heats the whole trailer up to 100 degrees easily by accident! Im learning how to put less wood in it or turn it down. Put simple I am making it staying warm at night in a tiny home of about 225 sq ft burning juniper cuttings off the land. The juniper bushes look so much nicer trimmed to look like trees. Heating is very important to be able to afford it and getting it right. Some people accept being a prisoner of a blanket or a small room I must rise above. My big concern was how to heat the places we build sustainable efforts have begun...
Heating With Solar Power. Not Solar Panels But Rather The Sun Light as it hits black objects can be used to heat air and water. It was 28 degrees in Saint Johns Az. It Was for sure much warmer out my front door and the thermometer says 65 but its in the sun light. So I put another thermometer on a chair in my front yard to check and it hit 130 degrees I then took the thermometer inside and marveled over the fact that the black chair was over 120 degrees and Saint Johns was 28 Degrees ... Im searching for ways to heat for free with no fans. Now this was a Big Break Through in Discovering how to heat in Winter. A Hot Room With Big Glass Windows is One Way. Black Furniture Designed Like This Chair. Heating Swimming Pools was always as easy as a black hose on the roof or patio cover of the home. The Trailer will get a solar heater hose system first for showers.
Sun Light Solar Systems. LED Grow Lights for security reasons we are saved and now able to grow indoor food for way less! Solar Panels can power the Led Grow Lights easily to grow food! We have many new opportunities to be involved in. Continued on Solar Systems. Some Solar Systems do not use solar panels like a water heater would have a pump hose and tank to heat water and an air heater would use sun direct hitting black objects chambers and furniture.
A Project Model. An Idea for a basic plan to build a project. The outline on what we get and what it might cost. Imagine getting $2M $2,000,000 In land with real estate for $110 per month plus insurance of $5 and if 100 opportunities to buy RE pay $100 per month that is $10,000 per month a cash flow that pays for $2,000,000 in Real Estate. Very Simple Wisdom Continued ... An Easy to Understand Development Plan Allows a Small Group of People to Easily Pay For and Build a $2M Project on land not just raw land but rather in this case I am Writing this on Raw Land suitable for a fairytale resort place to live and work.
Wisdom Story One... The Way To The Abundant Easy Life. We Can Easily Succeed at Any Creative Dream Where We Can Easily Get Everything We Need Starting With Work Space with Tools and Materials. A Community With High Quality Services Amenities and Built in Companies Can Provide Everything in The Most Professional Way Possible. All Companies we plan to Build Into The Communities we are designing will not fail economically speaking and will automatically provide top quality service.. Auto Mechanic Shop. 24/7 Child Care. Cooking, Shopping, Cleaning, Food Farming, Wood Working Shops, Metal Working Shops...
The List of What Types of Real Estate The People Need To Own So They Can Easily Escape Trouble And Live A Quality Life Together.
Going Off Grid. Solar Wizdom and Sanitation Wizdom. Providing both of the most important in home amenities only needs to cost $2000. A dedicated link is coming and I will explain further the most important things you should know if wanting to go off grid.
The picture above is from The editor of this web site Robert Rowley helped build several log homes for the resort in Arizona. It is not open to the general public. The Piano Song 1 was produced by Robert Rowley in his van in Phoenix Arizona.
Escape The Hard Life Forever.Financial Freedom Can Be Guaranteed. Simple stories reveal how we can have it all for almost free. For rich and for poor people this web site intends to be the top source for ways to escape trouble and improve the quality of life for all people.
Millions of jobs could easily become available and life can become easier, safer and more entertaining for all people. Prosperity and being able to achieve any creative dream will become easy for all people because everything we need can be easy to Pay For and Easy to Own.
Business Plans Guaranteed to Improve Security and The Quality of Life For All People in The USA and Beyond. Affordable High Quality and Luxury Housing With Jobs.
It Has Become Extremely Difficult in the USA.
A $1000 per month project designed to pay for everything important to make life easy and comfortable. For people on social security a housing project with cooking and shopping service. Plan also to include cost of housing, cost of food, Electric Gas Heat and Cooling. Also Shared Vehicles Boats and Limo Service to Local Stores and Home Events A Plan to make it easy for people who retire on a fixed budget.
Investment Opportunities coming. Guaranteed High APR Gains
Move ... Amazing Discovery. Solar Panels Cost $130 for 2 used 9 years old I worried and wanted new panels because they only cost $220 for 2 - 300 watt each. Much to my surprise the old panels super charges 5 deep cycle batteries and I'm amazed at how good solar works. And how affordable it can be. $1500 is about what I paid to go off grid and the amount of lights computers and big screen I never ran low at night on electricity. I light the outside about 20 acres around the trailer. The 2 solar panels I bought are rated at 250 Watts each and the batteries hold 13.64 volts when fully charged.
The Truth That Sets Us Free
Easy Financial Freedom and How we could Buy it
Is Something That everyone should Learn
Considered to Be The Most Important Study
The First Thing We Should All Know
Community Designs That Save Us
Smart Caring Economics Is What We Deserve
Learn It Live It. The Smart Way Is Gods Way.
The Love Of Money Is The Root Of All Evil
A Different Way (System) Saves Us From All Evil
Airborne Chemicals From Soaps and Fabric Softeners
are Threatening Our Everything In The USA
The Writer Of This Site Is Publishing Books and Music