APR (Annual Percentage Rate)

APR (Annual Percentage Rate)... How much we make or pay per year (12 Months) on money we invest or borrow.

APR From The Average Bank)...  Banks average giving the people around 3% APR Gain if they have $100,000 in the bank. So the bank gives $3,000 per year divided by 12 months is $250 per month...

APR FreedomProjects.Org)... We offer 6% on First Trust Deeds. First trust deeds are the documents showing who is the lender on real estate is also considered the real owner. Owner on Title is the buyer or legal owner of the real estate. If the legal owner fails to pay, the first trust deed holder is the first to get paid... Second trust deeds also exist but are considered more dangerous because the second trust deed holder (Lender) gets paid back after the first trust deed is paid. The second trust deed holders some times lose their investment.


www.freedomprojects.org/apr.html Last Edit 10/29/2016 ... 6:35AM